A History of Innovation and Engineering Expertise. |
These superior desiccant solutions are provided by Buffers USA. Established as an independent company in 1989, Buffers USA has its roots in Buffers AB-- a Swedish company that was an early pioneer in intermodal hardware development. Over the years, we’ve continued that tradition of innovation and engineering expertise. It’s one reason why more and more customers now consider us a partner—not just a supplier. They come to us for solutions to improve performance and shipping efficiency. Our line of superior desiccant solutions-- developed by Absortech™ International AB-- helps our customers eliminate or drastically reduce the costs associated with moisture damage and the cost of moisture protection.
Buffers current product lines include:
- Ships Lashing and Hatch Cover Parts
- Container, Van Trailer and Chassis Parts
- Chassis, Twistlocks and Pinlocks
- Moisture Control Desiccant Technologies
- Thermal Bulkheads for Refrigerated Containers and Trailers
- Anti-Theft Products for Containers and Van Trailers
- Dunnage Bags
For more information about our company and our products, visit us at: |